Joint Press Release: Local Queer Organizations Join Together to Fill the Void Caused By The Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition's Dissolution


First and foremost, we want to acknowledge the significance of today, Juneteenth, a day commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. We honor and celebrate this important day, and believe the experiences, struggles and triumphs of the Black community, including Black LGBTQ+ individuals who live at the intersection of these identities, needs to remain centered as we address the immediate needs of Lancaster’s Queer community after the dissolution of the Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition. 

In light of the recent dissolution of the Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition, our four organizations –  Lancaster Pride, Lititz Chooses Love, Rivertown Pride Center, and Trans Minors Rights – feel it is important to put out this shared statement. To all those who relied on the Coalition’s support groups and services, we want you to know that you are not alone. Our organizations are committed to working together to ensure your needs are met during this difficult time.

The Coalition’s mission was to build supportive and enriching opportunities for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex and Asexual individuals, and others who identify with the LGBTQ+ community. Our four organizationswere established to work towards similar goals as those promised by the Coalition. With our shared missions in mind, our pledge is to fulfill the promise that the Coalition made and can no longer fulfill. We are working together to support and uplift the LGBTQ+ community, rebuild trust, and nurture a shared sense of belonging and care.

To chart a path forward, we will turn to the LGBTQ+ Community Needs Assessment and discussions with impacted community members to identify opportunities to expand resources, services, and programming to fill the gaps left by the Coalition’s dissolution. A variety of support offerings are available through our four organizations. Please visit for a full list of these offerings.

Healing will take time, and we are committed to being part of that process as we work to mend the fabric of the community and fill the void left by losing the Coalition. Together, we will rise through this challenging period as a community just as we have always risen to the challenges that threaten our rights and lives. Our community is strong. It is resilient. And it is Proud.  



Lititz Chooses Love: Laura@LititzPride.orgRivertown
Trans Minors Rights: